Miniaturisation of Flow Diagnostic Measurements (miniPSP)

This project, funded by Innovate UK in collaboration with the Aircraft Research Association (ARA) built upon the years of experience of the two institutions at utilising and developing flow diagnostic techniques. Traditional field measurements in aerodynamics, such as pressure-sensitive paint (PSP), are gathered using expensive, scientifically-cooled cameras which are often bulky to work with. This project reduced both the size and cost of such a technique by using miniature cameras and hardware and software developed at the University of Manchester. After thorough benchmarking of the trial systems a full prototype was implemented in the large transonic wind tunnel at ARA as a technology demonstrator, showing the applicability of this research to all facilities.
For more information, see:
Progress Towards On-Board Flow Diagnostics, M Quinn, T Davidson, D Roberts, Applied Aerodynamics Conference 2018